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Mike Sharples 简介

Mike Sharples现任英国开放大学教育技术学院教授,英国著名大规模公开课平台FutureLearn首席学术顾问,《IEEE学习技术汇刊》(IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies)副主编,曾任诺丁汉大学学习科学研究院院长,mLearn系列会议的发起人,国际移动学习协会(the International Association for Mobile Learning)的创会主席。他发起了一系列的移动学习国际会议,承担科学教学的国际虚拟实验室( Wolfson OpenScience)、通过视频帮助理工科学生理解复杂的课程内容( JUXTALEARN)等重要项目研究。


讲座题目: Language Learning at Massive Scale

摘  要: In May and June 2015, over 430,000 people registered for the six-week ‘Understanding IELTS’ online course from FutureLearn – the largest educational gathering ever held. Participants on the course not only learned from videos about topics such as Academic Writing and Speaking English, they also shared their experiences of learning English and their concerns about the IELTS test. One video alone (on ‘Exams and me’) attracted over 50,000 comments and responses from learners. In my talk I shall describe the pedagogy of the FutureLearn platform and the design of massive-scale courses for language learning. Some types of teaching get worse as the number of learners increases, some are impervious to scale, and some work better at massive scale. How can we design new methods of social-networked learning that engage the knowledge, experience and culture of learners? I shall also discuss how analysis of data from massive-scale courses can inform course design.

Glenn Stockwell 简介

Glenn Stockwell 现任日本早稻田大学法学院教授,学术事务部副主任,同时受聘于澳大利亚应用语言学协会(ALAA), 澳大利亚民族语言与文化研究所(NLLIA),日本语言教育技术协会(LET)和欧洲计算机辅助外语教学协会(EuroCALL)等机构。他是The JALT CALL Journal 的主编,CALL Journal  和Language Learning & Technology 的副主编,ReCALL 杂志学术顾问,CALICO Journal 和CALL-EJ Journal的编委会成员。Glenn Stockwell曾多次受邀在技术和二语教学为主题的国际会议上作主旨发言。此外, 他在CALL领域发表众多学术论文,也是专著中重要章节的作者。 2006年,Glenn Stockwell和Mike Levy合写了CALL Dimensions: Issues and Options in Computer Assisted Language Learning(劳伦斯大学出版社出版),2012年出版学术专著Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Diversity in Research and Practice(剑桥大学出版社出版)。


讲座题目: Technology and the Changing Face of English Language Teaching

摘  要:The range of technologies available to language teachers and learners has increased dramatically over the past several years, providing both with a diversity of options that can be both exciting and challenging. As new technologies appear, they bring with them possibilities regarding what can be achieved both inside and outside of the classroom, but it is often difficult to keep up with the range of technologies that become available. In addition, the very environments in which language teachers find themselves in are also constantly evolving, with expectations of administration and learners changing rapidly. These changes have resulted in a paradigm shift in the role of technologies that potentially rewrites the way in which teaching and learning take place. Some of the challenges associated with this paradigm shift will be discussed, and some suggestions regarding keeping up with these trends will be provided. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of six basic principles that may be of use to language teachers in keeping an eye on the larger language teaching and learning environment and assist them in taking a step back and making choices that are most appropriate to their own individual contexts in the midst of this change.

Thang Siew Ming 简介

Thang Siew Ming是马来西亚国立大学语言研究及语言学学院前院长,环太平洋地区计算机辅助外语教学协会(PacCALL)主席,GLoCALL学术会议联合主席,亚太眼部运动研究协会(APAREM)主席。她还担任CALL E-J online,Journal of Pedagogies等多部语言教学杂志的编辑和顾问。Thang Siew Ming 教授近期在CALL, TAPER,EAR, AJET, IRRODL, IJPL, 3L 和GEMA等国际知名语言学杂志上都发表了高质量论文。

研究领域: 自主学习,计算机辅助外语学习(CALL),学习风格和策略,动机研究,眼动研究。

讲座题目: Digital Storytelling as a CALL Project in a South-east Asian Context: Its Impact on Teachers and Students

摘  要:Digital storytelling (DST) is a technological innovation that combines the art of storytelling with a variety of audio, video and multimedia images. Numerous studies in western countries have revealed its effectiveness in enhancing language learning skills and infusing technological skills, inventive thinking and problem solving skills among students. These skills have been described as workplace skills or 21st century skills.Studies on the effectiveness of the DST project in fostering development of such skills have been undertaken in some Asian contexts but rarely in the South-East Asian context. This presentation delineates the findings of a digital storytelling project which was implemented over a three-year period with the intention of enhancing the students' workplace skills. The study was approached from two perspectives: 1) the teachers' perspective which explores their concerns regarding technology adoption and 2)the students' perspective which look into their reactions towards the project and their perceptions of its effectiveness in enhancing workplace skills. The project was conducted on first-year undergraduates from a public university in Malaysia taking an English for Academic Purposes course. The findings were derived from both quantitative and qualitative methods. Implications of the findings to the South-east Asian context will be drawn.

孙有中 简介

博士,教授,博士生导师。北京外国语大学副校长,教育部外国语言文学类专业教学指导委员会秘书长,中国专门用途英语专业委员会会长,中国跨文化交际学会会长,国家汉办国际汉语教材专家工作组成员,国际跨文化交际研究会(IAICS)顾问,中国美国史研究会常务理事,国际美国研究学会(IASA)常务理事,教育部“卓越新闻传播人才教育培养计划”专家委员会委员,国务院新闻办全国对外传播理论研讨会专家委员会委员,中国外国新闻传播史研究委员会副会长。《中国ESP研究》主编,Journal of Intercultural Communication Studies顾问。享受政府特殊津贴。


讲座题目: 通过阅读平台促进通识教育--基于北外英语学院的实践

摘  要:Liberal education constitutes a core element of the newly released China National Standard of Teaching Quality for Tertiary English Majors. Arguably one of the most effective ways of promoting liberal education might be integrating the reading and discussion of classic works into the curriculum of the English discipline. However, there exist major obstacles in the way of this liberal education approach such as inadequacy of appropriate graded reading materials in an EFL context, inability to track students’ reading process, and lack of communication among students. Against this backdrop, the paper reports an e-learning approach to promote liberal education among the third-year English majors at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Along with teacher training, this teaching reform makes effective use of a digital reading platform with three core functions of offering graded reading classics, recording and tracking the reading process and providing online forums for discussion of the reading materials. A group of 140 students and four tutors participated in a fourteen-week teaching experiment. Research methods in the form of student pre and post questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, teacher journals were used to examine the efficacy of the teaching experiment. This study demonstrates that the integration of e-learning and the traditional lecture-based classroom instruction can effectively contribute to students’ accessibility to classic works, the process management of students’ extracurricular reading, and collaborative learning, leading to the enrichment of resources and opportunities for liberal education.

顾曰国 简介



讲座题目: 促进教师发展的行动研究平台

摘  要:Action research (AR) since it conception in 1943 has proved itself to be a vital research paradigm for professional development. It has extensively been applied in sociology, medicine, management, law and, perhaps most important, in education.  We applied it first to writing of BA Ed dissertation, and then to writing of BA dissertation in business management, and finance at the Institute of Beiwai Online Education. The distinctive feature of AR-based dissertation is students’ commitment to, and implementation of practical projects carried out in real-life workplaces. Students are empowered with a Web-based AR management system with downloadable self-taught tutorials, which won the State Outstanding Courseware Award in 2006.
This paper reports our continued efforts in developing a platform (called AR4TD)  that enables the in-service teacher to embark on action research in CALT for self development. The AR4TD consists of a set of tools that empower the teacher-researcher to carry out AR’s six modules: (1) problem identification and analysis; (2) hypothesis-formation, and lesson preparation; (3) blended teaching and data-collection; (4) data-processing; (5) reflective evaluation by the self, peers as well as students, and (6) writing up and sharing.
The AR4TD is partnered with the Multimodal, Multimedia and Multi-Environment Learning Research Lab (the 3-M Learning Lab) in Tongji University, Shanghai, where the Multimodal Corpus of Classroom Teaching (MCCT) was compiled successfully in 2015.